Friday, November 20, 2009

Objectify Our "Things"

Gary Hustwit’s film, Objectified, looks deeply into the relationship between object and people. It takes on the aspects of the designer's point of view, the manufacturer's point of view, and even the consumer's point of view. Consumerism drives our economy today. We look to new and "innovative" products to stay trendy and amused. Some might even say that we want to personify ourselves with the products that surround us. Companies and designers capitalize on this need for new things so they can keep selling new products. A very good example of this would be cars.

"Cars are the biggest and most abundant set of sculptures that we have in contact everyday in our lives." - Chris Bangle, Former Design Director of BMW Group.

In the film, Bangle describes how cars are made to last through time. To keep the consumer interested, care are designed so that the consumers will feel emotion when looking at the car.

Most cars have faces, we tend create objects the mimic ourselves and see it as an extension of how we are, how we feel. As Scott McCloud once said, “we assign identities and emotions where none exist.”

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